Preston Primary School, Station Road,
Preston, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU12 8UY
Telephone: 01482 896800
Safeguarding Lead:
7th March 2025
What a great week!
On Monday we made a delicious fruit salad to go with the pancakes we made on Shrove Tuesday.
On Wednesday, Year 2 kindly shared with us their immersive airport experience in our school hall - the children were invited to ‘check in’ at the airport, go through the security checks and board the plane to see what travelling by air is like.
Of course, we all enjoyed World Book Day on Thursday - it was lovely to see parents and grandparents stay and read with the children.
We also had lots of lovely learning in our classroom too! The children enjoyed measuring in maths, creating superhero costumes on our dressmaking mannequin, making bracelets and programming our floor robots to travel in different directions.
28th February 2025
Our first week back has been a busy one! The children have enjoyed the stories ‘Supertato’ and ‘The Runaway Pea’. They have used vegetables for printing and painting and we have even had peas in our water tray this week for measuring and exploring. They have listened to some poetry about fruits/vegetables and we tasted lemons on Tuesday morning, using different words to describe the taste. In our outdoor learning session, we planted pumpkin seeds.
We collected lots of super ideas from the children for our classroom areas and some of the children asked if we could have a vet's surgery. We now have a corner of the classroom with toy animals, bandages and equipment our vets may need to carry out this role. The children have really enjoyed this so far!
On Wednesday afternoon we spent time in our school library - this is a lovely opportunity in small groups to share books and complete library-based activities. Next week we plan to let the children choose a library book to take home and return once they have read it. This will be in addition to our Preston 70 books, which we will continue to change once they have been shared at home.
14th February 2025
The children really enjoyed our ‘pop-up museum’ in the school hall. We were all history detectives and looked for clues to tell us about the artefacts. The children handled the artefacts carefully and had some fantastic ideas about how the objects might have been used. They also had a go at sketching some of the objects.
In maths this week we have explored the concept of making pairs and then looked at doubles of numbers.
Our PE sessions over the last couple of weeks have been lots of fun - the children had a go at simple ‘circuit training’ and really impressed us with the way they listened to and followed the instructions for each activity.
7th February 2025
This week our class book has been Peepo by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. The story is set in 1940s England and we have looked for clues in the illustrations to tell us what life was like during this time. The children have shown lots of interest and we have introduced lots of new vocabulary. The story prompted us to use our indoor water play for bathing the dolls and ‘washing’ the doll’s clothes, then hanging them up to dry. We will continue this topic next week, continuing to look at life in the past.
We introduced our dressmaking mannequin this week and taught the children to use the pins and fabric safely. The children have loved being fashion designers and have made some fabulous creations!
In phonics we have introduced the sounds for ‘sh’ and ‘th’; next week we will introduce ‘ng’ and will spend the week practising digraphs - a combination of two letters representing one sound.
In maths at the moment we are representing and comparing the numbers 6, 7 and 8.
31st January 2025
The children have really enjoyed celebrating the Chinese New Year this week. They worked together to create a lion and a dragon for our dance session and we had lots of fun using these as props. We made lanterns, practising careful cutting skills, then displayed these in our ‘Chinese restaurant’ ready for our food tasting session. This was a highlight of the week and the children really impressed us with their use of chopsticks! We even used chopsticks to eat the segments of our satsumas at snack time. In our outdoor learning session with Mrs Thompson, the children had a go at land art, creating a snake to celebrate the year of the snake in the Chinese zodiac.
What a great week we have had!
24th January 2025
What a super week! The recipe with the most votes for our baking session was cupcakes. The children have chosen again and next week we will bake jam tarts.
We have explored weight and capacity in our maths sessions this week, using cubes to balance the scales. We set a challenge in our water area to balance the scales using water. The children have also compared different containers and the number of objects they hold.
In phonics, our graphemes this week were y, z and zz. Next week we will introduce ‘qu’ and ‘ch’.
The Chinese New Year is on 29th January and we are going to celebrate next week through music and dance, creative activities and by tasting different foods. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
17th January 2025
We started our week with a class bake - everyone helped to make a delicious banana bread. I wonder what we will bake next week? The children will choose from two recipes and we will bake the one with the most votes.
Mrs Pearson brought a record player for the classroom with a couple of vinyls. The children have enjoyed finding out how to use it and we hope to add to our collection of vinyl records they may like. One of our children had the super idea of drawing in time to the music - this led to a whole class activity where everyone had a go!
We have continued reading traditional stories this week and as part of our classroom display we have made a giant to go with our beanstalk. The children have also measured and compared their heights.
In phonics, our letters this week were w and x; in our maths sessions we have explored one more and one less as well as the different ways we can arrange 5 objects.
Have a great weekend everyone!
10th January 2025
We have had a lovely first week back at school. The children have settled back into the routine of the school day and it has been great to see them exploring our learning activities with enthusiasm.
We have started learning our Level 2 sounds in phonics - this week our letters are j and v.
In our maths sessions we have played games to practise finding and representing numbers to 5, including zero.
We will be reading lots of traditional stories this half term; this week the children have enjoyed Jack and the Beanstalk and we have watched the story of The Gingerbread Man told with shadow puppets. This inspired the children to make their own stick puppets and explore shadows.
In our outdoor learning session we found out about some of the birds which may visit our school grounds and the children made fruit garlands to hang on the trees.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
13th December 2024
What a super week we have had! Our Nativity on Wednesday was a great success and we are so proud of the children for the effort they put into their performance - well done everyone, you are all superstars! Thank you to everyone who came to watch the play and support the children. Thanks also for joining us for our 'Glitter and Sparkle' morning on Thursday - there were some lovely decorations made and it was a really lovely morning.
Another highlight of the week was our outdoor learning session. The children decorated bread using food colouring then we toasted the bread on our fire. We are looking forward to the week ahead and more of our Christmas activities.
6th December 2024
Our rehearsals for the Nativity are going well and the children have tried on their costumes - we are almost ready to perform to the school and parents on Wednesday! We have had a lovely Nativity scene crocheted for us and the children have loved playing with it this week.
In our outdoor learning session, the children had a go at using a flint and steel to create a spark. This is a tricky skill to master so it was lovely to see the children persevering. They have also had a go at using saws with support.
One of our class stories this week was Stick Man - the children love this story and after reading it chorally a few times, we watched the film as a special treat.
29th November 2024
This week we have spent time practising the songs for our Nativity - the children have coped really well so far and have picked up the words quickly; we can't wait to sing to you all very soon! Next week we will begin practising on the stage and trying on costumes; it is all very exciting!
Our focus sounds in phonics this week were f (as in fish) and ff (as in cuff); it is lovely to see the children begin to use these letter sounds to read and write simple words, not only in our phonics sessions but as part of play too.
Some of the children have shown an interest in monster trucks this week. They have created drawings and models of these vehicles, sometimes writing to label their pictures. They have also created road maps on large sheets of paper. Following a 'wow' moment brought in by one of the children, the class also made jam sandwiches for their snack. The best ideas come from the children!
22nd November 2024
What an exciting week! The snow on Wednesday has definitely been a highlight for the children and we just had to stop everything and go straight outside! We were then inspired to create pictures of snowmen using different shapes as part of our maths work.
In phonics we have focused on the letters h and b this week and have practised blending sounds to read words. Some of the children have also had a go at spelling simple words using the letter sounds they know. As part of our morning routine, the children write their name on a sticky note then choose which they like best from two options; this week they have chosen between two different colours, two familiar poems and two seasons. As a class, most children prefer the colour blue, prefer the poem about hot dogs and prefer the season of winter! We count the sticky notes and the children talk about why they have made a particular choice. We have all really enjoyed this activity and it has encouraged a lot of language and discussion.
Have a restful weekend everyone!
15th November 2024
What an eventful week! We began our week with the Remembrance Day assembly and the children did themselves proud, particularly those involved in laying a wreath. They were very respectful during the silence in our classroom despite being the youngest pupils in our school.
They then worked together to create a 'field' of poppies, each child using materials to make a poppy in their own way.
On Tuesday morning the children were very excited to discover we have a new classroom pet! We welcome our axolotl 'Peachy'. Tuesday was spent finding out about axolotls and drawing pictures of Peachy - she really is a fascinating creature! During forest school the children continued to celebrate Diwali - after their activities they tasted vegetable curry made on the fire.
Thursday was spent celebrating the birthday of King Charles - the children made crowns and birthday cards. We finished our week on 'Children in Need' day, linking this to our Jigsaw session 'I'm Special, I'm Me!'
Have a restful weekend everyone!
8th November 2024
It is lovely to see the children back at school after the half term break. We started the week learning about Guy Fawkes and Bonfire Night. The children made some colourful artwork to represent the fireworks. They also used sparklers and we talked about keeping safe during the bonfire celebrations.
We then compared Bonfire Night to the celebration of Diwali. The children used shapes to create rangoli patterns and had a go at making diva lamps using clay.
To keep warm in the colder weather we made soup! The children decided as a class what we would put in it. They spent the morning chopping vegetables then sat together to taste their delicious soup. What a wonderful week!
25th October 2024
What a super final week of the half term! The children, parents and grandparents really enjoyed our pumpkin decorating afternoon. A highlight was definitely making s'mores around the campfire in our wildlife garden! We are very proud of the children and the way they have settled into school. We are very much looking forward to the next half term and all of our exciting learning opportunities.
18th October 2024
This week in our maths sessions we have been looking at patterns in the environment and the children have made repeating patterns in different ways. We went for a walk around our school grounds to spot patterns and the children were very observant! Our outdoor learning session this week was lots of fun - Mrs Thompson set up a pumpkin hunt and the children followed clues, with little tasks along the way, to find the hidden pumpkin. The children listened carefully to the instructions and really enjoyed this activity.
In the garden, the children used hoops to make up a game - it was lovely to see them working together to decide the rules.
One of our stories this week was Funnybones; we read this book together as part of our choral reading and then some of the children made skeletons in the creative area.
The children have settled into our daily phonics session and have been taught the sounds for the letters s, a, t, i, p, n, m, d, g, o so far. Next week our new letters/sounds are c and k. They are also really enjoying our morning dough disco to strengthen their fingers ready for lots of mark making!
We are looking forward to our pumpkin decorating afternoon on Tuesday. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
27th September 2024
This week, the children have learnt the sounds for the letters t and p in our phonics sessions. They had a go at blending together the sounds they have learnt to make simple words e.g. sat, pat, tap - we pretended to be robots to make the sounds then practised putting the sounds together; this is something the children will be doing a lot over the coming weeks.
In our maths sessions, we have continued matching and sorting objects and pictures. The children had to ‘guess the rule’ when looking at sets of objects; they particularly enjoyed getting into groups of children with similar features e.g. sock colour, length of hair or whether or not they were wearing a jumper!
To practise drawing a person we used wax crayons this week - we have some wonderful pictures now displayed in our home corner. We have also made prints with Autumn leaves the children collected. During outdoor learning, the children followed trails around our wildlife garden; they loved continuing the trails by sprinkling flour on the ground for everyone to follow, then we all enjoyed a calm time listening to the sounds around us as we sat at the base of the trees. They of course enjoyed decorating a biscuit at our Macmillan coffee morning and it was lovely to see those of you who were able to attend.
Please can I mention that the children should bring water to school rather than juice; we have had some quite strong juice drinks recently and whilst we want to encourage the children to drink well during the school day, we do encourage water as the healthier and ‘tooth kind’ option. Thank you.
20th September 2024
This week we have started our daily phonics sessions. The children have learnt the sounds for the letters ‘s’ and ‘a’, we have practised forming the letter shapes and have played sorting games, listening out for the sound at the beginning of different items. In our daily maths sessions the children have played matching and sorting games, looking carefully at objects and pictures to see similarities and differences. As part of our ‘Jigsaw’ lessons we talked about feelings and the children named some familiar feelings such as happy, sad, excited, angry, tired and calm. Outdoor learning was fun - the children used wax crayons to make rubbings on objects around the wildlife area, they worked together to create a large scale picture using natural materials and enjoyed playing in the branches. What a super week!
13th September 2024
The children have been very busy this week. We have started our new topic ‘Being Me in My World’’ and have talked about the ways in which we are similar and different. The children have loved using musical instruments and sound makers as part of our listening activities and handled these instruments carefully - we have seen some lovely sharing and turn-taking too. Outdoor learning on Tuesday afternoon was brilliant; we practised fire safety before collecting sticks of different sizes for the fire. We had a lovely walk around our school grounds followed by s’mores around the campfire. We have had lots of stories and have begun learning some new rhymes, songs and circle games. The children have all had a go at mark-making and drawing as well as practising writing their first names, forming the letters correctly. Another super week.
6th September 2024
What a super first week at school we have had! The children have spent the week settling into school life and exploring the classroom and outdoor areas. We are really impressed with the way the children have picked up our daily routines; they have listened well and followed instructions brilliantly too! It has been a pleasure to get to know them all this week and we are very much looking forward to the year ahead and all of the exciting learning opportunities we will have.
Well done everyone!