Year 4

Year 4 News

Year 4 P.E. timetable 2024-25

Monday (pm) Outdoor

Friday (pm) Indoor

7th March 2025

We have had a busy week this week. 

On Tuesday we had a lovely music teacher come in and show us how to create music on a computer. It was like we were our own little beatboxers.

As well as this we learnt about Shrove Tuesday and linked this to our RE. As a reward for this we all had pancakes, but due to the mess and how quick we ate them Miss Ellison wasn't able to get any pictures. But we loved it, it was delicious!

In hockey we learnt how to push the ball to our partner, we learnt how to stand and hold the hockey stick correctly and how we push and glide the ball rather than patting. 

We have become confident Mathematicians with our column method solving addition and subtraction questions and now we are confident with the bus stop method solving two and three digit numbers divided by a one digit number. This included remainders and exchanges. 

We have looked closely at possessive apostrophes, adverbials, coordinating conjunctions this week in English, ready to apply it next week in our writing. 

We had a great World Book Day. We completed activities linking to World Book Day in the afternoon while we created and reinforced our chassis for our DT project.

Miss Ellison

28th February 2025

Everyone was excited to be in school this week including Miss Ellison.

In Maths we recapped the column method to solve multiplication problems and we then moved onto using the bus stop method to solve division sentences.

In Writing we have pulled apart a discussion text to identify key features, vocabulary and how a discussion is created.

In Science we have begun to look at solids, liquids and gases which we then looked at in more depth in our Outdoor Learning session where we investigated separating salt, water and sand, how steam and smoke are gases and how they are created, moving onto creating our own water cycle. This will help with our future Science lessons because it has given us a small pre teach of what is to come.

In DT we are going to be creating slingshot cars. We discussed the difference between fixed axles and freely moving axles. We got a chance to discuss and create ideas of designs that we might like.

We really enjoyed our PE lesson on Monday when we got a chance to work with hockey sticks and how to control a small tennis ball.

Miss Ellison

20th December 2024

It's the last week of the Autumn term and what a week it has been. Last week we completed a lot of Maths, Reading and spelling tests. So this week it was nice to let our hair down and do some exciting activities. In DT we had to follow some instructions and learn how to weigh out ingredients to then bake some biscuits. We then thoroughly enjoyed decorating our biscuits. We also took part in a Mental Awareness workshop with a lady called Olivia and we learnt about how we can use the outside to help with our mental health. We have moved onto multiplication and division for our Maths and in January we will be looking at the column method to solve multiplication questions and the bus stop method to solve division questions. We loved our party day. We played musical statues, poop the potato, higher or lower (play the game right), pass the parcel, cut the frozen chocolate. We have been spending the week practicing for our church concert and young voices. We also loved seeing the man himself, SANTA!

Miss Ellison

29th November 2024

A busy busy busy week in year 4. We have been learning three new writing skills in English, we have looked at how to write using third person, the punctuation we need for writing speech and using inverted commas and we have been comparing facts and opinions. All skills needed for writing a newspaper article next week. We have been learning about adding the prefixes 're' and 'sub' to root words and why we add them to the beginning of words for example submarine, reappear, rewrite, submerge etc. We have finished looking at what 'area' is and how we can work out the 'area' inside a 2D shape and are ready to move onto multiplication and division next week.

In Art we have been learning about Sokari Douglas Camp, who is a sculptor whose word is influenced by her Nigerian background and often includes messages. We then designed our own sculpture, using the idea of a figure casting a shadow made up of words to portray a key message. We had to think of a word that shows our key attributes and can summarise ourselves in one word. For Science we had a wonderful time recreating the digestive system using food, juice, bags, pipes, tights, plastic cups and many other things, it was a messy lesson but we definitely learned what organs make up the digestive system. In forest school, we cross linked our learning to RE. We used natural materials to create symbols that represented key parts within the Christmas nativity story.

Miss Ellison

15th November 2024

We have had a busy week this week!

We have published our informal letters which focused on fronted adverbials, words ending with the suffix 'ly', emotive language, questions and many other skills. We will now be moving on to our new book, 'the incredible book eating boy' which will lead us to write a newspaper article. In Maths, we have finished our addition and subtraction so next week we will be moving onto Area. We had a wonderful time in our outdoor learning session; as a team we built a ship/boat that you might want to sail on the Mediterranean which links with our Geography theme.

In Art we recapped and practiced drawing 2D pottery and how to use tones and marks to make them look 3D. Using chalk, sorry for the mess! We moved onto creating 3D sculptures out of soaps. We had to first design what we wanted our soaps to look like before we could carve and shape our soaps. This was a tricky task to accomplish but we did it!

Miss Ellison

8th November 2024

What a wonderful first week back! In English we have started planning and drafting our informal letters ready to publish next week. In Maths we have moved on from using the column method to add four digit numbers to subtracting four digit numbers. We have started our new Science theme 'the digestive system'. We have focused on what organs create the digestive system and their functions. In Geography we have looked at where the Mediterranean sea is and what surrounds it. We loved completing Art this week. Our focus is sculpture and 3D material, so this week we have used chalk and big pieces of paper to draw and create 3D images. Next week, we are carving soap to make 3D objects. In PE on a Monday, we completed a fitness circuit which included frog jumps, squats, balancing, jumping forwards and backwards, push up and many more exercises. On Friday we are focusing on basketball. We focused on ball control which involved moving it around our body without dropping it, our hand positions and dribbling.

Miss Ellison

18th October 2024

This week the children have been busy, busy. We had an amazing afternoon doing some cross country running. We absolutely loved it and we all tried our best.

In outdoor learning we did some woodwork craftsmanship and ate hotdogs around the fire. The whole of Thursday we completed our DT project. First we started by analysing some fastenings, talking about how they work, what works well and what doesn't. Next, we designed a book sleeve that needed to include a fastener, most of us chose buttons and a couple of us chose the hook and eye. We then had to create our book sleeves, using felt, needle and thread, and fabric glue. It was a fun-filled day!

In English we really focused on our comprehension skills. We looked at different types of texts, for example a menu, a play script and a text based on Benjamin Franklin (linked to our Science). We answered lots of retrieval and inference questions to better our reading skills.

Miss Ellison

11th October 2024

This week we have worked really hard with completing and publishing our diary extract. We all did such an amazing job. Everyone's work has gone up on the wall, keep your eyes peeled for a picture of the display will be going up on Weduc and you won't want to miss it! We have also completed our Place value unit for Year 4, we have worked hard on representing numbers to 1,000 using place value charts, counting and estimating on number lines and rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1,000. This means that next week we will be moving onto addition and subtraction primarily using the column method but also looking at place value charts and the bar model. So far we have learnt 3 songs on the recorder, Hot cross buns, Mr Cool and Curtain Raiser. We will be moving onto learning how to play D and F on the recorder and learning a new song called Curtain Raiser. 

This week, Year 4 have really impressed with their handwriting, not only in our handwriting sessions but in other pieces of work too. They have been focusing on making sure their work is presented at a high standard. 

In outdoor learning, it was a little bit colder this week and slightly damp. Not one of the children complained, they kept focused and on task. It might have been the hot chocolate that they drank and enjoyed that did it!

Miss Ellison

4th October 2024

Year 4 has had a busy week again this week. We have started our new writing cycle, writing a diary extract. We are pretending to be one of the characters in the Roman diary book and then writing a diary extract about an event that happened to us in the book. Our new learning is looking at emotive language and fronted adverbials. In Maths we have loved looking at Roman numerals and how they used to write their numbers. We have also been looking at rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 which we will be looking at some more next week. We had lots of fun in History this week creating Roman roads out of playdough and stones. We loved outdoor learning, some of us got to use potato peelers to peel bark from a tree like you would if you were peeling potatoes. We also had a fun computing lesson, we used string to show how technology connects to the internet. We learnt that networks join to other networks, through a network switch and a router. We then used sticky notes to pass a message from one person, down the network to the router who then passes it to the person it is intended for. We learnt this is how the internet works.

Miss Ellison

27th September 2024

Oh what a fantastic week it has been this week. This week we have been focusing on comprehension in English, reading different types of texts and answering retrieval and explanation questions. In Maths we have been focusing on estimating on a numberline and comparing numbers up to 10,000. In Music we learnt a new note on the recorder 'C' and practiced Hot cross buns before moving onto a new song called Mr Cool that has the C note, we also learnt how to read the musical notes for B, A, G and C. In Science we were given wires, batteries, bulbs, buzzers and switches, we had to create a circuit. We looked at what a series circuit is and a parallel circuit is. On Thursday we had a double DT lesson, in the first part of the lesson we had to create the frame of our pavilion structure and make it stable and sturdy. In the second part of the lesson we then had to add the cladding to the structure to make it decorative and reinforce the structure. We made a huge mess but it was a lot of fun.

We had even more fun in Outdoor Learning, we did lots of things. We create Roman numerals with natural materials ready for our Maths lesson on Monday. We used clay and found that it was hard to mould into cups and bowls but we learnt that this is how the Romans would have done it. We then created a Roman city, we crafted roads and paths to join different buildings. 

We enjoyed finishing the busy exciting week off by donating to Macmillian and decorating biscuits to support them. What a way to end a Friday!

Miss Ellison

20th September 2024

What a fantastic week! The children have published their first piece of writing which will be going up on the display board in the classroom for everyone to see. Keep your eyes out on WEDUC to see some pictures of their work and the display. They have written a list poem based on the character from our Roman diary book. They have written about where she came from in the first verse, what she saw, heard, smelt, and touched in the second and third verse and then to finish the poem off we ended it based on what had happened in the last pages that we had read. In music we learnt hot cross buns and how it should be played on the recorders, this recapped our knowledge on the notes B, A, G, we looked at what a pulse and rhythm is and how we can write musical notes. Maths has been based on looking at 1, 10, 100, 1000 more or less than a number and how we can estimate numbers on a number, lots of consolidating our place value knowledge. 

In outdoor learning on Wednesday afternoon, we took part in some team building exercises. We created bridges using sticks, branches, soil, logs, anything we could find outside. We warmed up some marshmallows on the fire creating smores which we thoroughly enjoyed eating. 

In our Roman dancing we have moved on to learning attack and defence moves, we molded these into dance moves. In pairs we created a sequence of defence and attack moves and then added some music.

Miss Ellison

13th September 2024

Another fantastic week in year 4, in our morning work we have been completing maths questions based on our new place value knowledge, for spelling we have been practicing putting apostrophes in contractions for example can't and wouldn't, for grammar we have been looking closer at when we use 'were' and 'was'. For our writing we have finished our List poem and will be publishing these next week so expect to see some of these wonderful pieces on the website. 

We loved our dance PE lesson on Monday, as a class we worked together, marched, saluted and created formations that soldiers in Rome would've created when going to battle. On Tuesday in Music we began by recapping how to hold a recorder, how to correctly blow, our hand positions and recapped the note B, we loved playing along to a song. Next week we will be looking at B, A, G, ready to move onto C and F. In DT we created a pavilion structure using playdough and toothpicks, we had to think about different 3D shapes that are good for stacking and building. We had to think about words like 'stable', 'strong' and stiff and how we need to make our structure unbreakable, firmly fixed and not bendable.

Miss Ellison

6th September 2024

It has been a lovely first week back in Year 4. All the children have arrived looking smart and ready to learn. I have enjoyed learning about everyone in the class and look forward to what the future holds. In our morning lessons, we have started reading our class text for this half term, 'Roman Diary.' So far we have learnt that it is about a girl called Iliona who sets sail with her family to live in Egypt in a big house. On the journey pirates capture her, she ends up getting sold 3 times until she ends up in Rome and is sold at Auction as a slave. In Maths we have been looking at numbers up to 1000 and how we can partition them. We thoroughly enjoyed our PE session learning the first steps needed to be able to play Tennis. I have been so impressed with the children's enthusiasm and attitudes towards their learning and how much they can remember from Year 3. Keep it up!

Miss Ellison

21st June 2024

It has been another busy week in year 3 this week! In amongst some of our end of year assessments, we have started looking at newspaper articles and their features and we have been learning how to interpret and draw pictograms in maths. The children loved collecting their own data all about the class' favourite ice cream flavours and representing this as a pictogram.

14th June 2024

It has been a busy week in year 3! We enjoyed a fantastic morning with Dave from Northern Gas Networks, who helped us understand more about global warming, energy and insulation. Dave also helped us conduct an experiment to see how important it is to insulate to keep the heat in!

In our maths lessons, we have been learning about money; we have learned to recognise the different coins and notes and we have also learned to add and subtract amounts of money.

In English, we have started looking at newspaper reports and their features in preparation for planning and writing our own reports soon!

24th May 2024

This week has been a great final week to the half term in Year 3. Our performances of 'The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse' were brilliant - all of the children did themselves proud. We have also started rehearsing for our class assembly which will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings.

In amongst all of the performing, we have managed to squeeze in some learning too! We have written and re-drafted our own descriptions of Mrs Twit, and done a little more work on finding fractions of amounts. Have a lovely, well earned half term break everyone!

17th May 2024

It has been another fantastic and busy week in Year 3. Our play rehearsals have been in full swing and the production is looking great - we can't wait to share it with you next week!

In maths, we have continued to practise the skill of finding a fraction of an amount; we have moved away from using cubes, and have now begun working out the answers using our times table knowledge. 

In English, we have enjoyed reading a character description of Mr Twit. We have spotted the features of a successful character description, and started having a go at writing our own!

10th May 2024

It has been a busy week of play rehearsals and preparations in year 3! Our production of 'The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse' is looking fantastic!

You can see from the photos that we have been finding fractions of amounts in our maths learning. The children have done so well with this.

3rd May 2024

It has been another hard-working week in Year 3. Our English lessons have seen us finish reading the Night Gardener. The children absolutely loved this story and have really enjoyed reading it. We will be writing some character descriptions of the Night Gardener himself over the coming weeks. In maths, we have consolidated our fraction work and learned to add and subtract fractions with the same denominators. The children have done so well with this! 

Enjoy the long weekend!

26th April 2024

It has been such a fun week in Year 3 this week.

In our English lessons we have role played and planned a conversation between the Night Gardener and William - the main characters in the story. We have also learned how to use inverted commas correctly to punctuate speech.

In Maths, the children have really impressed me with their ability to read fractions on a number line and we have started to explore equivalent fractions too!

We also enjoyed our Year 3 paper chain reward this week. As the children managed to get the chain all the way from the ceiling to the floor, we enjoyed an hour outside with equipment, when there was a gap in the rain! As you can see from the pictures, the chilly weather didn't dampen our spirits and we even enjoyed ice pops, even though it was freezing!

19th April 2024

We have had a fun week in Year 3 this week. We have continued our learning about fractions in maths - the children are able to shade fractions of shapes confidently and can compare and order some fractions too!

In our English lessons, we have written some fantastic setting descriptions linked to our class text 'The Night Gardener'. 

We have also begun rehearsals for our upcoming play and Year 3 absolutely loved their first Music Tech lesson with Mr Croombs.

12th April 2024

We have had a brilliant first week back in Year 3!

We have been so impressed with how the children have settled quickly back into routines, worked hard and shown kindness to each other. As a result of all of the children's hard work this week, we have earned our class reward - now just to decide what we would like to do for it!

In our maths lessons, the children have started their learning about fractions - they have been really impressive with their existing knowledge about fractions and how well they have picked up what we have covered so far. 

In our English lessons, we have started reading our class text for this term 'The Night Gardener'. The children are gripped already!

15th March 2024

It has been another busy week in Year 3! We have been busy doing assessments this week - the children have all worked amazingly hard which has been great to see. In between our assessments, we have also managed to continue learning about measures by measuring the perimeter of different shapes and we have continued reading 'The Street Beneath my Feet' making our journey to the centre of the Earth! Red Nose Day was such fun too - all the children looked amazing in their finest red clothes!

8th March 2024

This week in year 3 we have continued with our measuring work. We have learnt how to convert between different measures and add measures too. We had a lot of fun measuring our height and feet and how far we could jump.

In our English lessons, we have re-drafted and improved our written instructions and then we published them using the Chromebooks where we learnt how to input bullet points on the computers and format our work properly.

1st March 2024

What a fun week we have had in Year 3 this week!

We have been learning about giving and writing instructions - and just how clear we have to be! We made sandwiches (and ate them!) and then planned and wrote a set of clear instructions telling someone else how to make one. I have been so impressed with how well the children set out their work and included all of the language features needed for a successful set of instructions.

In maths, we have continued our work on length and measures. We have continued to refine the skill of measuring accurately in cm and mm and we have learned how to convert between metres and centimetres too.

26th January 2024

It has been another fun and busy week in year 3! In our English lessons, we have been reading and working on the Greek Myth 'Daedalus and Icarus'. The children have really enjoyed getting into character and freeze framing some key moments from the story and really considering what the characters are thinking at different points in the story.

In our maths work, we have consolidated our learning of the 3 and 4 times table and we are now moving on to learning our 8 times table.

19th January 2024

It has been a very busy (and chilly!) week in Year 3 this week! In maths, we have finished learning our 3 x table - we are now practising these repeatedly to gain speed! We have now started learning our 4 times table.

In English, we have written some fantastic non-chronological reports about the ancient Greek gods and goddesses - the children have really impressed me with their knowledge.

12th January 2024

It has been a wonderful week in Year 3 - we have loved welcoming back the children and hearing all about their lovely Christmas holidays. They have all settled back into our daily routines really well.

In our English learning this week, we have researched different Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses in preparation for a piece of writing next week and looked at the features required to write a non-chronological report. In Maths, we have revisited multiplication as 'equal groups', and then used this knowledge to begin sharing and grouping for division. The children have enjoyed using the cubes to represent different division questions.

15th December 2023

It has been a lovely week in Year 3 this week. We have finished all of our assessments and started thinking about Christmas! We also completed our behaviour target by getting the paper chain, which was hanging from the ceiling, all the way to the floor! The children should be so proud of their hard work to achieve this together and as a reward we have had a film morning with popcorn!

We will be in full on Christmas mode next week as we look forward to Christmas dinner, Christmas jumper day and our party! There will be lots of festive fun for the last week!

8th December 2023

It has been another busy week in Year 3! We have been working hard completing our assessments this week - but we’ve balanced the hard work with lots of giggles about our naughty Year 3 Elf and enjoyed some chocolate too! We have started working on multiplication in maths and we have finished reading our class text Stone Age Boy. We have also started our rehearsals for the Church on the last day of term. It’s starting to feel very Christmassy!

1st December 2023

It’s been another really great week in Year 3! Our English lessons have taken us to our final stages of our letter writing journey - the children have written fantastic letters from the Stone Age to their families ‘back home’ and edited and published these using Chromebooks.

In Maths we have consolidated all of our learning of addition and subtraction by using inverse operations to solve puzzles and learning rules to apply when finding complements to 100.

We finished the week by putting up our Christmas decorations, celebrating the return of the Year 3 Naughty Elf, and writing Christmas wishes to hang on the tree with some chocolate baubles too!

24th November 2023

It has been another busy week in Year 3! We have celebrated achieving our class behaviour target this week with some extra playtime along with celebrating Diwali in our Diwali dance workshop. In our English lessons, we have been identifying the features of a letter and in our maths lessons we have consolidated our addition and subtraction work by using column methods to answer some tricky worded puzzles.

Well done on another great week Year 3!

10th November 2023

It’s been a great first week back after half term in Year 3. In our morning lessons, we have started our English work around the book ‘Stone Age Boy’. We have been detectives by spotting clues to help us develop our prediction skills and getting into role by acting out some of the scenes.

In Maths this week we have consolidated our work so far on addition and the column method by continuing to exchange ones to make tens and learning how to exchange tens to make hundreds. I have been so impressed with how well Year 3 have done with this tricky maths work!

27th October 2023

It has been a great end to the half term in Year 3. In our morning lessons, we have finished reading 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark' and we have written some halloween themed acrostic poems. In maths, we have started learning how to formally add using the column addition. Have a lovely half term week!

20th October 2023

It’s been another busy week in year 3. In our morning lessons, we have started work on addition and subtraction in maths and we have learnt how to add and subtract ones, tens and hundreds to a 3 digit number.

In our English lessons, we have started work on poetry. We had a go at performing a sound poem and we have also had a go at writing our own poetry. The children have worked really well with their partners to produce some excellent onomatopoeia poems!

6th October 2023

It has been another busy week in Year 3 this week! We have been learning how to write a diary entry in our English lessons using the appropriate features and I have been blown away by how much the children's handwriting has improved! In Maths, we have been counting in 50s up to 1000 and beyond, and solving some tricky puzzles on number lines to 1000 too.

A highlight of the week was our trip to the Hull and East Riding Museum and the Ferens Art Gallery - we cannot wait to learn more about the Stone Age when we study it after half term now!

29th September 2023

This week in Year 3 we have been continuing our maths learning on place value by comparing 3 digit numbers and beginning to put sets of 3 digit numbers in order. We even got the dice out, and played some games by rolling the dice and placing the digits carefully in order to make the biggest number.

In English we have looked at a good example of a diary entry and practised using conjunctions in sentences too. This will help us when we come to write our own diary entries next week!

We also achieved our class behaviour target this week, so enjoyed a game of dodgeball in the sunshine as a reward!

22nd September 2023

We have had another good week in year 3. In our morning lessons we have worked really hard and all produced a fantastic piece of descriptive writing based on the book we are studying 'Orion and the Dark'. I was so impressed with the children's handwriting!

In Maths we have continued our work on 3 digit numbers and we are now beginning to calculate 1, 10 and 100 more or less than any 3 digit number.

15th September 2023

It's been another fantastic week in year 3. In our morning lessons, we have been developing our place value knowledge further in maths and we have been identifying nouns, adjectives and writing our own noun phrases in English.

We have also achieved our first class target of responding quickly to instructions, so we all enjoyed some extra playtime in the sunshine this week!

8th September 2023

It has been a lovely week in year 3. It has been great to welcome all of the children back looking smart and listening to all of their holiday adventures. It has been lovely getting to know them all! In our morning lessons, we have started reading our class texts for this half term 'Orion and the dark' and the 'Owl who was afraid of the Dark' and we have started working on place value in maths. I have been so impressed with the children's enthusiasm and attitudes to their learning.

21st October 2022

We can hardly keep up with Year 2 this week!

Here they are busy writing their own version of 'Wild'.

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19th October 2022

What a fantastic outdoor learning session year 2 had today!

Everyone had a go at chopping wood for the fire and used the flint and steel to start the fire.  Lots of problem solving skills and team work was needed today.

Year 2 finished their busy afternoon with a nice warm hot chocolate.

18th October 2022

Today, year 2 have been busy role-playing their favourite scenes from their class book 'Wild' by Emily Hughes.

17th May 2022

Foundation & Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Pink Pig Farm. they learnt lots about animals and farm machinery. They looked at wild flowers and did lots of exploring.

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8th March 2022

This half term we are studying 'Dogger' by Shirley Hughes. Dogger is a story about a little boy called alfie who loses his favourite toy. Today we have had a lovely day writing about our favourite teddies. This afternoon we enjoyed a teddy bear's picnic in the sunshine.

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15th December 2021

Some photos of our Christmas lunch. We had a lovely time!

1st November 2021

We have been learning about Diwali this week so today we made some Divas during our outdoor learning session. We are looking forward to bringing them home at the end of the week.

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21st October 2021

Year 1 have been busy making their own playdoh and creating Bog Babies. They have also been making chocolate apples which they are looking forward to having as their snack this week.

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