Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

As a fully inclusive school we always seek to enhance our provision for children with a range of disabilities and learning difficulties; we work in liaison with other professionals to ensure children have access to specialist support, physical resources and expertise. Most importantly we seek to work with parents and families to ensure full equal access to every aspect of learning.

Our SEND Report outlines how we identify, support and monitor the progress of our children with additional needs.

SEND Information Report (updated Oct 2024)

If you have any questions or concerns please contact our Special Educational Needs Coordinator Mrs Andrea Melhuish, who will be more than happy to help.

Equality Policy & Accessibility Plan (reviewed Sep 2023)

Parent and Carer SEND Questionnaire Results

In Summer term 2023 we asked parents and carers to complete a questionnaire to gather feedback about the SEND provision at our school. Thank you to everyone who responded. We have compiled the results and they are available to download below. These results will be used to improve our SEND provision.

Parent and Carer SEND Questionnaire Summer 2023 Analysis

Useful external links:

East Riding Local Offer (ERYC)

A local offer gives children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities  and their families information to help them find the right help and support in their area.  Click the button below to access the ERYC Local Offer.

ERYC Local Offer

Families Information Service Hub (FISH)

FISH operates a helpline offering free, impartial information for young people, parents and carers and professionals who have a role in supporting families.

FISH is a 'one stop shop' where you van get details of services in the East Riding for children and young people aged 0-20 years.

Families Information Service Hub

SEND Code of Practice

The SEND Code of Practice is the statutory guidance fr organisations that work with and support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

SEND Code of Practice
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