Preston Primary School, Station Road,
Preston, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU12 8UY
Telephone: 01482 896800
Safeguarding Lead:
31st January 2025
In Year 5 this week, we have been looking at Newspaper reports and deciding what features we have to include in order to write a successful report. We have then looked at active and passive sentences - the children have been brilliant at identifying the subject, verb and object in a sentence and then arranging these to create active or passive sentences. We practised this skill during a 'Zombie' game, where the children had to write active and passive sentences correctly to either invade as a zombie, or prevent invasion as a soldier. It was great fun!
In Maths, we have finally finished our fractions work by adding and subtracting 2 mixed numbers. We have begun our work on multiplication and division by recapping the formal written method to multiply 4 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers and today, we have started dipping our toes into long multiplication - it boggled our brains a bit but we persevered!
24th January 2025
This week in Year 5 we have really enjoyed reading the start of our class text 'Viking Boy'. The children have absolutely LOVED the start of the story and have enjoyed describing the characters and finding evidence to support their opinions.
In maths this week we have been focusing on subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. I have been so impressed with how well they have retained their knowledge of fraction work so far and how they have applied this to help them solve some really difficult problems!
Well done Year 5!
17th January 2025
It's been a busy and hard working week in Year 5 this week. We begun the week in English by practising writing skills such as using relative clauses in our work. The children have then planned and written fantastic character descriptions of an evil witch. They have all done brilliantly!
In maths, we have been adding and subtracting fractions with different denominators and adding whole numbers and fractions on to a mixed number. Next week will see us adding and subtracting mixed numbers. The children are coping exceptionally well with the tricky concepts we are covering at the moment in class - enjoy a well deserved break over the weekend!
10th January 2025
It has been a great first week back in Year 5! It has been a week full of fun and hard work - it has been great to welcome back all of the children.
In our maths lessons, we have picked up where we left off with our fractions learning. The children have really impressed me with how much they have retained from before the holidays and they have been tackling really tricky concepts in maths this week. We have been comparing fractions with different denominators, and ordering sets of fractions with different denominators too.
In our English lessons this week, we have had a spooky start with a visit from some evil witches! The children had a great time re-enacting the first part of our new class novel 'Viking boy' which consists of a spell cast by 3 evil witches. This inspired the children to design their own witches which we are going to write a description of next week!
13th December 2024
This week the children have enjoyed their marble treat! They have been working hard in their morning lessons all term for this and we all enjoyed watching the film 'Nativity' with doughnuts and popcorn! We even brought blankets, oodies and teddies to make it really cosy! You can see how much fun we had in the photos!
We have also finished re-writing the story of the Bear and the Hare from the famous John Lewis advert from different perspectives and pub polished this writing beautifully. In maths, we have continued with our fraction work and consolidated our learning this term by completing a maths themed elf mission today! Roll on the last week of festive activities next week.
6th December 2024
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Year 5 this week! We had a lovely festive morning on Monday, putting up our classroom decorations and all writing a Christmas wish to hang on the tree.
We have continued to work on fractions in maths by comparing fractions less than 1 and we have completed some of our end of term assessments too.
In our English lessons, we have been using the John Lewis advert of 'The Bear and The Hare' to inspire our story writing from different viewpoints - we will continue with this next week!
29th November 2024
The weeks are disappearing quickly and some festive feels are creeping into Year 5! We have begun our preparations for our annual carol concert on the last day of term this week, which the children are all very excited for!
In English, we have finished our class text for this half term 'Journey to Jo'burg'. The children have really enjoyed this book, exploring life in a South African village during Apartheid. I have been so impressed with how well the children have articulated their thoughts and responses to the story.
In Maths, we have continued our work on fractions by becoming familiar with improper fractions and mixed numbers. The children have really impressed me with how well they have been able to convert between the two!
Bring on decorating the Christmas tree in our classroom on Monday!
22nd November 2024
This week in Year 5 has been a very chilly week for those of us out in all weathers completing their cycle training! Well done to all those who took part.
In our English lessons, we have been reading more of our class novel 'Journey to Jo'burg' and working hard on our comprehension skills and written answers to comprehension questions. In our Maths lessons, we have learnt about square numbers and cube numbers and practised the skill of multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100, and 1000. Friday's maths lesson has seen us begin our fractions topic - more on fractions next week!
15th November 2024
It has been another hard working week in Year 5. In maths, we have explored prime numbers and square numbers as well as factors and common factors. In our English lessons, we have studied a good example of a diary entry, and then written our own diary entry as one of the characters from our class novel. The children are really enjoying the novel so far and have produced some really great work as a result!
8th November 2024
It has been a busy first week back in Year 5! Our English lessons have seen us starting our class text for this half term 'Journey to Jo'burg' which the children have really enjoyed! They are desperate to read on!
In Maths, we have studied multiples of different numbers (the children have learned a great trick to check if a 3 or 4 digit number is a multiple of 3!) and we have also learnt what a common multiple is. We have shown our understanding of this by putting different multiples into Venn diagrams!
You will see from the photos and videos this week just how much Year 5 enjoy their Ukulele lessons too! These are taught by Mr Croombs every Tuesday morning and the children have made such great progress already since beginning to learn the instrument in September!
25th October 2024
This week in Year 5 there has been spooky goings on! We have been studying the features of a suspenseful setting and how we can use descriptions in our writing to make our reader feel a certain way. You will see from the photos that the children did a great job at this!
In maths, we have concluded our addition and subtraction work by learning to use the inverse operation to check our answers and choosing the correct operation to find missing numbers in calculations!
Enjoy a well deserved half term break everyone!
11th October 2024
This week in Year 5 we have been busy learning all about Neil Armstrong. We have studied different biographies and discussed the features we need to include in a biography. We have started writing our own biography about Neil Armstrong - to be finished off next week!
In maths, we have finished and consolidated our knowledge of rounding and we are now able to round to the nearest 10,000 and 100,000! We have now moved on to start our work on addition and subtraction - which we are already really good at!
4th October 2024
We've had another busy but fun week in Year 5. In English, we have finished and published our Non Chronological reports on space to a high standard- the children are so proud of these!
In maths we have continued working on place value and spent lots of time learning how to round 5 and 6 digit numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We 'rounded' off the week by playing a rounding game - it was so much fun!
I have been so impressed and proud of the children's homework this half term - these incredible space buns were a piece of homework! They were delicious!
20th September 2024
It has been a great week in Year 5! The children have been moving on with their knowledge of place value up to 1 million by partitioning 6 digit numbers and multiplying and dividing whole numbers by 10, 100 and 1000.
In our English lessons, we have started on our writing journey towards producing our own non chronological report about a chosen planet by looking at a good example and identifying the features we will need to include in our own writing.
You will see from the photos this week that Year 5 have been producing some outstanding pieces of homework all around our topic of Space. They really have blown me away with the effort they have put into these tasks at home - keep it up Year 5!
6th September 2024
It has been lovely to welcome the Year 5 children back into school this week. They have settled into Year 5 life in a really mature manner and we have been impressed with the work ethic they have shown!
In Maths this week we have started work on place value and done some revision of Roman numerals too! The children were so good at this! In our English lessons, we have watched a clip of a chimpanzee who goes into space and then returns to Earth 65 years later - the children have been so captivated by this, and as a result, have written some wonderful descriptions of Earth from space through the eyes of the chimpanzee!
A successful and brilliant first week back!
10th May 2024
In art this week the children have been analyzing and exploring the potential narratives behind a myriad of famous artists' work: Leonardo Da Vinci, David Hockney, Paula Rego and Edward Hopper.
In Design Technology the children have created 'Slingshot Cars'. They then went on to design the bodywork using cardboard too!
As part of our science learning on sound, the children have been using observations to investigate the different variables that can affect pitch and volume. We have also been learning about materials by grouping them into solids, liquids and gases.
Mr Sprigg
12th April 2024
Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed science week: exploring the different areas of science (biology, chemistry and physics), making predictions, observing and the highlight had to be our biscuit experiment. The children concluded that out of cold, medium heat and hot water, the hot water resulted in fewer dunks possible. Although we discussed a few anomalies, the trend in data was overall very conclusive, but most importantly, the children had a wonderful time! Thank you to our super, supportive parents for sending in the mugs with their children to make this whole-school investigation possible!
Mr Sprigg
26th January 2024
What a super week Year 4 have had! They have thoroughly enjoyed investigating what affects pitch and volume in science. Additionally, they have been using counters in division. A tricky concept, but our hard working children have shown true determination and resilience. Well done!
Mr Sprigg
19th January 2024
Year 4 have had a wonderful week of learning. They have started their new topic of sound and are thoroughly enjoying their PE lessons of tennis and circuits too. The children were superb in creating their freeze frames to summarise the key events in our new class book: The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
Well done Year 4!
Mr Sprigg
18th December 2023
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their Mediterranean tasting afternoon which was promptly followed by outdoor learning. The children were very brave in trying a variety of foods including, but not limited to: capers, a whole host of breads, sun dried tomatoes, salami, paella, brie and feta cheese! A super afternoon was had by all.
Mr Sprigg
20th October 2023
Year 4 have had another busy week. The start of the new half term has given us lots of new learning to look forward to. Our times tables knowledge is growing each week with our new, progressive Times Tables Olympics. This is where children progress through the times table levels in the hopes of reaching the top World Championship level!
Mr Sprigg
20th October 2023
Year 4 has had a wonderful week full of lots of learning and fun. We have been focussing on our reading skills of inference. Additionally, the children have had to work hard to find evidence to support their inferences and impressions too.
We completed our final fitness circuit training. The children have made huge amounts of progress; we even increased the time for each station from 2 minutes to 3 minutes as a final lesson challenge. It's safe to say, there were a few red faces by the end. Well done!
Mr Sprigg
13th October 2023
Year 4 have had another brilliant week. They have completed their diary entries producing some beautiful writing. The children are enjoying their recorder lessons too. They have picked it up very quickly and we are excited to progress to more complex repertoire over the coming year.
Mr Sprigg
6th October 2023
Year 4 have had the privilege of visiting Ferens Art Gallery and Hull and East Riding Museum. The children took part in an incredibly interesting Roman workshop which they very much enjoyed.
We have also been continuing our learning in other areas such as cricket in PE where our batting skills are improving well.
Mr Sprigg
29th September 2023
Year 4 has had a very busy week! We have been learning about Roman Numerals in maths and starting our writing journey to produce a superb diary entry from the perspective of Iliona (Roman Diary's main character).
The children thoroughly enjoyed creating simple, series circuits in science and have enjoyed their cross country experience with South Holderness staff. What a super week!
Mr Sprigg
22nd September 2023
Year 4 has had another wonderful week of learning. We have just begun to explore the skills required to write our diary which we will be continuing next week. Additionally, our throwing and catching skills in cricket are continuing to improve. Times Tables continue to be a huge focus for us and we have enjoyed completing our first session on Soundcheck! Well done Year 4!
Mr Sprigg
15th September 2023
We have had another great week in Year 4! We have got our inference skills working in English, our brains working on number lines in mathematics and our hearts pumping in PE! Well done on another super week!
Mr Sprigg
7th September 2023
Year 4 has had an incredible start to the year! They are showing great enthusiasm across all of their learning and I am looking forward to a wonderful year ahead. The children have had their first lessons on The Romans, Place Value and Bootcamp PE. Well done to all the children for a super first week - keep up the good work!
Mr Sprigg
19th May 2022
Celebrating our work on Africa as part of our focus text 'Lila and the secret of Rain' by David Conway
12th May 2022
Today year 2 and 3 had a trip to Burton Agnes Hall. For our year 2 children it was their first ever school trip. They explored the woodland and had a tour of the walled gardens. They found out lots of interesting facts and were able to apply the learning they have done this half term to the real world.
5th May 2022
Year 2 have enjoyed making music on Chrom Music Lab.
6th April 2022
We have been using playdoh to create these wonderful storyboards for our focus text 'Rosa Parks' by Brad Meltzer.
1st February 2022
Year 2 have travelled back in time and experiencing school life in the Victorian era.
14th December 2021
Year 2 had a wonderful Christmas Lunch today!
2nd December 2021
The Year 2 children made healthy snacks today as part of their Healthy Eating topic. they made fruit kebabs, veggie dippers and a healthy scone snack.
Lots of new foods were tried by the children and they loved it! Humous was the surprising favourite!
23rd November 2021
Year 2 are busy making diva lamps as part of their RE topic this term.
11th November 2021
Today we had a very mature conversation about what Remembrance means for us and others.
9th November 2021
TT Rockstar Day 2021
15th October 2021
We ave been working very hard in maths today.we love using the maths resources to help us.
16th September 2021
Year 2 really enjoyed trying Times Tables rockstars today.