
Staff Team

The staff team at Preston Primary School are committed to providing a stimulating and challenging learning environment where our children can develop and grow as confident, independent young people who are excited by learning. The list below provides information about who works in our school and their responsibilities.

If you have any more questions about roles and responsibilities and the services that we provide please do not hesitate to contact the school.


Mrs Terri Coates

Assistant Headteacher

Mrs Andrea Melhuish

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

  • Teachers

    Mrs Jane Hackett - Foundation Stage

    Literacy Leader (EYFS & KS1); DT Leader

    Mrs Victoria Sykes - Year 1

    Art Leader

    Mrs Jan Welburn - Year 1

    Miss Katie Costello - Year 2

    Maths Leader; Deputy Safeguarding Lead

    Mrs Tanya Grannon - Year 2 & Acorn

    History Leader; RE Leader; PSHE Leader

    Ms Jane Ferguson - Year 3

    Designated Safeguarding Officer; Science Leader; Music Leader; MFL Leader

    Miss Rebecca Ellison - Year 4

    Computing Leader; Geography Leader

    Mrs Sarah Compston - Year 5

    KS2 Reading Leader; Music Leader

    Miss Charlotte Bradley - Year 5

    Miss Lauren Laybourne - Year 6

    KS2 Writing Leader; PE Leader

  • Teaching Assistants

    Miss Tina Meekin (HLTA)

    Ms Rosie Dobson

    Mrs Lisa Alamaniotis (1:1)

    Mrs Judith Little (1:1)

    Mrs Angela Cuthill (1:1)

    Miss Laura Bilton (1:1)

    Miss Kerry Atkins (1:1, ELSA)

    Mrs Carina Bradley 

    Mrs Ann Pearson (Nursery Nurse)

    Mrs Nadia Hobson (1:1)

    Mrs Bethany Bramhall 

    Mrs Ruth Thompson (Outdoor Learning; Cooking)

  • School Office

    Mrs Julie Ness

    School Business Manager

    Mrs Allison Hodgson

    Admin Assistant

  • Lunchtime Staff

    Mrs Sue Phipps (Cook)

    Mrs Lisa Bailey (Kitchen Assistant)

    Mrs Kirsty Cardwell (Lunchtime Supervisor)

    Mrs Carina Bradley (Lunchtime Supervisor)

    Mrs Rosie Dobson (Lunchtime Supervisor)

    Mrs Ruth Thompson (Lunchtime Supervisor)

    Miss Rachel King (Lunchtime Supervisor)

    Miss Sophie Burrows (Lunchtime Supervisor)

    Mrs Judith Little (Lunchtime Supervisor)

  • Caretaking/Cleaning

    Mr Andy Hodgson (Caretaker)

    Mrs Lisa Hancock (Cleaner)

    Mrs Tracey Higginson (Cleaner)

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