

The Governing Body have responsibility for raising standards of achievement in the school. They hold senior leaders to account, seek external views of the school and use a range of information to set the strategic direction. A skills audit is undertaken to ensure a range of experience and expertise across the governing body.

Our Governing Body consists of:

  • 1 Local Authority Appointed Governor
  • 4 Parent Governors
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 5 Co-opted Governors
  • The Headteacher

If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors, Nicola Allison you can do so by calling 01482 896800, or emailing or writing to Nicola Allison, Preston Primary School, Station Road, Preston, HU12 8UY.

Becoming a Governor

If you are interested in finding out more about the Governing Body or wish to be considered for the position of School Governor, please contact the Chair of Governors at:

Our School Governors

  • Mrs Nicola Allison (Chair)

    I joined the governing body in 2015 as a co-opted Governor. In November 2016, I became the Vice Chair. I am currently the Chair of Governors.

    I am from the local area and attended Holderness Academy (South Holderness School). I live in Preston with my family, my child attended Preston Primary.

    I have 26 years experience in the Further Education sector in teaching & training, curriculum, quality improvement and leadership & management. I currently work for the local authority in Adult Learning.

    I joined the governing body as I am passionate about education and wanted to support our local community. I find working as a school governor very rewarding and I am pleased to have the opportunity to contribute to the development of our school.

    (Updated October 2024)

  • Mr Steve Precious (Vice Chair)

    I have been a resident of Preston for over 20 years and have become involved in community life since my retirement .

    Professionally my background is in policing and specifically child protection. It was with this in mind I put myself forward as a governor to hopefully help Preston Primary  in this very important part of schooling and anything else that my life experiences can give.

  • Mrs Terri Coates

    My name is Terri Coates and since September 2013 I have had the pleasure of being the Headteacher of Preston Primary School. Before this I was Assistant Head and then Acting Head of a Federation of two small village schools in the East Riding, Middleton on the Wolds and Beswick and Watton Primary schools.

    I thoroughly enjoy my role in school and I am privileged to work with a wonderful team of dedicated governors here at Preston who give their time and expertise to help lead the school, offering support and challenge to ensure the very best outcomes for our children.

    Outside of school I love to exercise - particularly walking and running, and am also an avid reader, often to be found with a nineteenth century novel in my hands!

    I am very proud of the caring, supportive and inclusive learning environment that is Preston Primary School and passionate about developing questioning, enquiring young minds that love to learn and ensuring the very best outcomes for all of our pupils.

  • Mr Alan Chaffey

    Alan Chaffey is a qualified teacher and holds the national qualification for headship, a master's degree in education and a BA in history. Alan has considerable leadership experience, including headship of two primary schools, both of which he led to outstanding.

    Alan has also worked as a school improvement partner for a local authority and regularly led school inspections.

  • Dr Jen Pryboda

    I have been a co-opted member of the governing body since November 2022, having earlier in the year expressed interest in becoming a governor.

    I grew up in Scotland then Essex, before going back to Scotland to attend university. Having met my now-husband there, we returned to his home area of East Yorkshire, where we have lived since. Our home is in the nearby village of Lelley. I am also a parent at the school.

    I am a forensic psychologist by profession. My job predominantly involves risk assessment in a variety of settings including for prison parole reviews, criminal court hearings, and family court proceedings. Linked to my professional background, as a governor, I have a particular interest in mental health and emotional well-being (of children and staff), relationship and sex education, behaviour management, and enhancing educational opportunities for children who experience disadvantages because of their individual circumstances.

    I am the link governor for PSHE, the School Council, Pupil Premium, and Looked After Children, and I am a member of the Behaviour and Safety Committee.

  • Ms Madelyne Morgan

    My name is Madelyne, although I am mostly referred to as Maddy. 

    Having been born and raised in Hampshire until around the age of 25, I moved to Hull to be closer to family. 

    My professional background consists of working within the legal field covering a range of areas, those being Family Law, Criminal Law and Conveyancing. More recently I worked at Siemens Gamesa on the Hornsea Wind Turbine projects. This was where I gained a qualification in Health and Safety. 

    I wanted to become a Parent Governor for Preston Primary School as I have a close connection to the school. I have worked at the school, including volunteering.  My eldest child attends Preston Primary and my youngest child will also be attending so I hope to be a Parent Governor for the foreseeable future.  

    I am the link Governor for Early Years and Art and I am also a member of the Behaviour and Safety Committee. 

  • Mr Graham Huckstep

    I have been involved with schools for over 50 years and this involvement continues by me still supporting schools however best they need me.  Being a part of a school is the best job ever and I still feel the passion and excitement as I did when I first started.  My career included me being a PE teacher,a Deputy Headteacher and then a headteacher of two different schools.  Although retired I continue to support a number of schools in and out of our area.

    I am also a Parish Counsellor of a local village, as well as being the secretary of the Hull Branch of the Royal British Legion.  In addition I support several Education Authorities in the Yorkshire region in evaluating appeals from families for school places.  Part of my responsibility at Preston Primary School is to look to develop Parental Engagement and to build on the good links that exist between the school and its families and the wider Community.

    Hope to see you around… hope to see you engaging with our school.  Come and join us in the adventure of schooling for the benefit of all our children.


Governing Body Structure and Interests 2024-25 Terms of reference Meeting Attendance 2022-23 Instrument of Government Governing Boards - Code of Conduct Policy and Procedure for School Visits
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